The Sartorialist and a “Style Star”

Our guest blogger this month is our very own, Kierstin Powers: wild woman, world traveller, artist, and queen of collectibles. You may recognize her as the lady who goes by KK, has quirky but elegantly beautiful style, crazy curls, and never leaves the house without her favorite pair of boots.  During her residence in New York City, KK was photographed by well-know photographer Scott Schuman, commonly known as The Sartorialist.  As their interactions became more frequent, the Sartorialist asked Kierstin to model for his upcoming book; of course, she said yes!  Since this is not something most people have under their respective belts, we asked KK to share some things about her amazing experience. The following style profile is loosely based on some on the questions KK was asked during informal conversations with Scott and modeled off style profiles he has published in the past. Sit back, enjoy, and–for a moment–live vicariously through this beautiful gem of a woman!

Style Profile: Kierstin Amelia Powers

1. Where do you find inspiration? History, in nature, the shades, colors, textures from the earth, and small country towns.

2. What would you consider your uniform? My day to day outfits are a mix of feminine and tomboy, sexy but rugged. Lately I’ve enjoyed wearing the same color in different shades and textures.

3. When do you experiment with your look the most? When certain things become trendy, I will usually steer clear of that or experiment with something completely different. I get bored with fashion when everyone seems to be wearing similar pieces.

4. Who has influenced your style? The cowboys and ranchers in Texas that I worked with, Coco Chanel in her early years, 1930’s European school kids, and the film O Brother Where Art Thou.  The film had a huge influence on me because of how it depicted the classic southern style of years ago.

5. Most memorable gift? A stranger in a laundromat in Buena Vista, CO was watching me work on my jewelry and gave me a huge box of quartz!

6. Never caught wearing? Tennis shoes with a dress, heavy make up, or Ugg boots.

7. You build your daily style around? How I am feeling or where I’ll be going.

8. You feel best when wearing? Slacks and a button up shirt or a simple cotton red dress.

9. You dress to impress who? At the moment, myself!

10. When you were in high school you wore? Anything funky! I became very rebellious with my style sense and tried pretty much anything bright or dull!

KK newsboy

The original photo of Kierstin taken by The Sartorialist. Outfit inspired by 1930’s newsboy. Union Square, NYC Fall 2011. Photo is now hanging in a gallery in NYC

“Fashion means absolutely nothing. Style, now style is everything.”

This was the response from a professor in a grocery store in upstate New York after I complimented him on his amazing style. The more I thought about it, I realized that is how I have always felt about my own style.  It was never about trends or the price tag, but more about how well it was made and how it would allow me to put myself together. What matters to me is the coexistence and the flow of the entire outfit.  I focus on the details, the colors and textures, of every piece I put on myself from my socks and under garments to my hats and slacks.  My only desire–what is truly important to me–is to present myself in a manner that reflects the way my mind works and the way I see the beauty in nature and in the world that surrounds me.

KK bookbag

Photo taken for the book “The Sartorialist II,” showcasing KK’s handmade “bookbag.” Book debuts this month (September 2012)

I have been to every state except Hawaii and Alaska.  I have lived in trailers, tents, in a loft in an old lingerie factory, out of a donut truck, an old Land Cruiser, off the grid in a cedar mansion built out of trees from the hill it sat on and countless houses from coast to coast.  I’ve always been on the move, soaking up scenery and adding to my aesthetic. Before I met Scott, I had never much cared about the fashion industry.  However, my interactions with this style icon not only produced a love of fashion in me but a passion for true, genuine style.  It also taught me how to incorporate my various experiences into the way I put myself together every morning, which to me is very valuable.