An Education

The fall season is upon us so we thought, what better way to get in the “back-to-school” spirit than to ask our resident high-schooler, Paris Woodhull, to talk about her adventures as a fashionista in her school. We think that her advice is tried and true, and even if you aren’t BTS age, you can easily implement her fashion tips into your own wardrobe. Take a look!

When most people think of going back to school their first reaction is, “Ugh!!!.” Not in my case. School is an underused opportunity to express yourself, even if you have to wear a uniform like me! The wonderful thing about being in school is that you have a get-out-of-jail-free-pass for fashion mishaps. Every person has worn something in school that they later regret. Without mistakes you never learn, so why not make them while you’re young so you have an excuse?

Vince camutoVince Camuto boots and H&M skirt, scored at Reruns!

No stylish woman I know started out completely stylish. She had to play around and find what worked best for her. All that being said, school is a golden opportunity to play! If you do have a uniform, like me, here are the basics of what you need to play around. Even if you don’t have a uniform, these basics will work for you.

 I find having a snazzy collection of accessories will spice up even the most austere looking uniform. My back to school staples consist of: a few pairs of cute and comfy boots (some girls brave stilettos at my school…more power to them!), some solid colored cardigansfun accessories, and a few one-of-a-kind pieces to wow your friends with.

FP and GapA Free People cardigan and Gap boots are killer consignment finds!

Just one warning! Some people get extremely excited about dressing for the first day of school and make the mistake of wearing all their cool pieces within the first couple days. Make sure you don’t wear all your cool pieces too soon, spread them out a bit so you’ll feel fresh and cute for a while.

Comme des garcons

This blouse, a piece from avant-garde designer Comme de Garcon is the best Reruns find, hands down!

Some of my friends at school believe my wardrobe to be quite extensive, truth is, I just mix and match. With a few pieces I can create several outfits and so can you! Most importantly, make sure whatever you decide to wear makes you feel comfortable, fabulous and you! Have a great school year and remember “whoever makes the most mistakes wins!” Did I really say that? Yup.

